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A Former OSHA Inspector's Top 3 Pet Peeves

A Former OSHA Inspector's Top 3 Pet Peeves Image

By Caitlin Denison, BS, RDH

When I was a compliance officer and OSHA Inspector, I tried to keep my cool and not let the little things irk me. Despite my best efforts, however, each industry had its few hazards that I always found particularly frustrating. Today, I’m going to share with you my compliance pet peeves for the dental industry. I have issued citations and fines for each of these hazards and want your office to avoid them!

1. Lack of safety data sheets (SDS)- This was likely my most issued citation across all industries. Each chemical in the workplace needs an accompanying SDS on file. These documents may seem superfluous, but they are vital should an employee be exposed to the chemical, as they describe first-aid measures specific to the product, as well as clean-up instructions. SDS can easily be obtained online, or from your supplier. Keeping up with the SDS as you order products will help you avoid a backlog.

2. Eyewash station not working- In the event of a chemical or biological exposure to the eye, flushing the eye for 10-15 minutes with tepid water is typically recommended. OSHA requires that you have a plumbed eyewash for this purpose. Too many offices do not test their eyewash stations to ensure they are working properly. The time of an accident is not the time to find out if your eyewash is functional or not.

3. Improper eye protection- If you are performing a procedure that could potentially result in spatter of biological material or chemicals, eye protection must be worn. It is typical to see dental workers working in a patient’s mouth with either no eye protection, or only eyeglasses. It is the employer’s responsibility to provide appropriate eye protection and ensure it is worn.

Avoid OSHA citations and penalties with advanced planning. Caitlin is available to conduct a mock audit of your dental practice to help you get into compliance. Call today (931) 232-7738 or email [email protected].

A personal note from Caitlin:

Greetings! My name is Caitlin Denison, and I am thrilled to be the newest Compliance Trainer at Modern Practice Solutions. Immediately prior to joining the MPS team I was working clinically as an RDH. So, to all my RDHs and RDAs out there on the front lines-- I feel your pain! I always figured I would eventually find my way into dental compliance, as I worked as an inspector for Tennessee OSHA prior to getting my RDH degree.

In my role at TOSHA, I saw many of the compliance pitfalls faced by dental offices. As a hygienist I experienced these pitfalls firsthand. Trying to be compliant when you’re in the trenches treating patients and keeping a business running is a lot harder than it looks!

Sometimes --and I was guilty of this as a compliance officer-- the government can get too bogged down in their own regulations to see practical ways to implement laws and standards. Conversely, dental professionals can get stuck on minute details of how they prefer to do things and fail to meet compliance expectations. For these reasons, I think it is really valuable to have someone working for you who has experience on both sides of the issue. Achieving the right balance or rigorous compliance and practical implementation is key to long-term success.

I am excited to join a team of fellow dental professionals-turned compliance experts. With our combined decades of experience in the field we are ready to steer your office smoothly down the road to compliance! 

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